Using Earth Observation to Save Water in Agriculture

young people - Environmental and Social Development

Earth observation (EO) is a powerful tool that can be used to monitor water use in agriculture. By tracking the growth of crops and the availability of water, EO can help farmers toimprove their water efficiency and reduce their environmental impact. Water is a precious resource that is essential for life. In agriculture, water is […]

News da COALA Project. L’uso dell’acqua nelle colture legnose in Australia

Gestione irrigazione culture legnose. COALA Project in Australia - Map-Time Explorer - smart irrigation system

La regolamentazione dell’irrigazione delle colture legnose in Australia sono uno dei temi discussi nel progetto COALA che mira a dimostrare quanto i dati di Copernicus e la nuova infrastruttura Data and Information Access Service (DIAS) possano influire in meglio sulle decisioni in merito alla gestione sull’irrigazione e sui nutrienti da utilizzare.